Adoption|Attachment|Belonging|Blame The Child|Foster Care|Foster Care Advocacy|Foster care Alumni|Human Trafficking|Irresponsible Parents|Residential Treatment Centers|
2025: Gearing Up
In 2025, my hope is that each of us continue to move forward to make a
positive difference, regardless of obstacles:
^ I've posted the beginning of this ...
The Revolution will not be danced!
That was the title of the dance piece that my son choreographed taught to
11 other dancers and performed himself at college. At almost 12 minutes
it w...
Are Adoptees Blank Slates?
An Adoptee on twitter made an observation that summed up the reality for
many adoptees and I can’t find the tweet. Argh. The gist of it was even if
you get...
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then
start writing!…
The post Hello world! first appeared on Judy M. Miller.
Goodbye, WordPress!
I think I’ve hated WordPress since I first started using it, and that
hatred has only grown as it has morphed into an unusable mess with an
obtuse interfac...
How’d it happen
Today at work, I was thinking about my life. Man, I have a job. I have an
apartment. I pay my bills. I am not in prison or pregnant or living on the
Les 11.000 mailles - “Academia Catavencu”
18 juilliet 2001
Chers lecteurs,
Ce qui suit est une petite histoire qui précède la visite en Roumanie d’un
premier-ministre français et de sa suite. Le...
Why is Home Décor Essential?
A day spent alone, and one spent with friends will get you in an entirely
different mood. Your mood depends on your company and surroundings. This
theory d...
It’s the noise that brings me to my knees. Noise I can’t control. I spoke
with my psychiatrist regarding it a year ago. He mused on it for a few,
shifted i...
Black Friday Baby, Part Two
Egad, I’ve been dreading this, but I did promise. So here’s the rest of
Funny Alabama Daddy’s very funny riff on how funny it is to be white
raising a blac...
Feelings Wheel: Moving Beyond Primal Emotions
Click to enlarge image
I recently learned about this tool during an Emotional Poverty training.
Our basic human emotions are primal, and based on surviva...
One Child at a Time*
With my foster family in South Korea
I recently published an essay titled, *“Colonized through Adoption.” *After
I published the piece, I realized that I ...
My last CPS meeting
I don't remember the "official" name of the meeting I attended this
morning. But the gist of it was to find out what the State could do to
salvage the plac...
No Secret Sisters For Me!
So, recently, a friend posted a Secret Sister invite on her facebook page.
Like many others, I was enticed by the idea of 6-36 presents. I'm not gonna
The February 2018 Update is...
that there is no update. Really, are you at all surprised?
We’re doing well though. My attorney wants me to put the blog back up and
start writing ag...
The Wall
I hit the wall hard on Friday night and I woke up Saturday morning just as
miserable as I had gone to bed. So I . spent the entire day in my hiding
in my ...
Voice Clips
I sent up a request on the Chinese subreddit asking if anyone was
conversationally fluent in Hokkien/Mandarin to see if they could translate
(or get the gi...
The latest
So much to say! I'll do bullet points here at first.
1. The state didn't ask bio dad if they could share information with us;
apparently the only children ...
Where There’s Smoke…
finished transcribing a Supernatural fan fic i started writing over the
summer today. it comes in at about 4.5k words so far, but there’s still …
Introducing Becca
Hi everyone! I'm back! Sort of. Let me explain.
Many of you know me as a Rebecca Hawkes, but in real life most people know
me as Becca Bryer. Rebecca Hawk...
Sorry I disappeared again. It wasn’t a good time to talk about what’s going
on because still nothing is resolved but sometimes I want to talk anyway
and I’...
Never Lose Hope
It sometimes feels "as if" I'm dragging my mind and body through quick
sand. Writing that sentence releases tears. 2013 was a hard year. So
was 2014...
In the night
PTSD is a bitch. One hour of sleep, or perhaps if I am lucky I get two or
three. But sleep is not something I can take for granted, so the usual
routine is...
(Birth) Moms ~ Search for Your (adult) Child!
*from: Wild Women Sisterhood*
*FULL MOON PRAYER by Rumi What in your life is Calling you, When all the
noise is silenced, The meetings adjourne...
College Scholarships for Adoptees
*Did you know that there are scholarships available for adopted and foster
Many of these scholarships cover tuition cost, living expenses, c...
All Parent Blogs in One Place!
If you are looking for all of my blog posts pertaining to therapeutic
parenting, you can locate those on my coaching site. Neat and tidy. I'll
see you over...
Back in the 1980s MaryAnne Cohen wrote the following poem. It is published
in my first book *shedding light on...The Dark Side of Adoption, *(1988):
Facing Pride of Abandonment
Despite the number of times she said it, I do not think she was “proud” she
gave away her child. At least I do not think she was proud in the literal
Manfaat Buah Kapulaga bagi Kesehatan Tubuh
Manfaat Buah Kapulaga bagi Kesehatan Tubuh – Buah kapulaga selama ini lebih
dikenal sebagai rempah rempah untuk bumbu masakan. Selain digunakan sebagai
Chinese New Year Chapter Books for Older Kids
There are many lists about Chinese New Year books for preschoolers and
young elementary students, but very few highlight chapter books for middle
graders a...
Shout It Out
So, between taking my sweet Granddaughter to Disney World and getting into
our family place at the lake, I’ve spent most of September barely on social
Near and Far
Here's what Christmas was like when I was a child in Australia: presents in
the morning around our family Christmas tree, then over to our
grandparents' h...
A neat and tidy ending
I guess I was kind of waiting for one, hoping that I could write that final
post that pulled everything together, made it all just fine – the ending
that m...
School Supply List 2014-2015
I currently have 7 children, 5 of whom will be in public school this year.
Their combined school supply list is forever long. Good thing I buy things
on sa...
Small Update
I mailed my Dad’s Father’s Day card, which included my letter to him asking
him to adopt me back, today. Now I’m nervous, but it probably won’t even
get to...
Letting go of The Hard. Good night.
Why couldn't I just leave it here, unfinished? I don't know. Yet, it haunts
me. This year, I become aware, one of the things I really needed to do was
They Just Don't Get It . . .
I have decided to take my son out of school at the end of this year. For
years I was intent on the fact that he would be in school as long as they
A recipe for co-parenting when divorced
These days I am getting a steady flow of referrals from a new family court
judge. He'll order that a child's parents both submit to psychological
Not the White Christmas I am Dreaming of....
In light of the totally and complete idiocy surrounding the new debate
about whether a FICTIONAL character is black or white, (and the subsequent
white wa...
Daiily Bastardette moving to Word Press
After a couple years of talking to myself about it, I have decided to
transfer *The Daily Bastardette* from Blogger to Word Press. The final
straw cam...
Well, Hello There
Hello! How are you? I miss writing here so much! But that is not what I am
here today to say.
[image: Adoption Blogger Interview Project 2013]
The Adoptio...
Party Animals
*I understand this post is almost a year over due, but the theme of this
blog is better late then never. *
All I wanted for my bachelorette party was to...
Luca's 3rd Bday
I was there the day he was born.
I can not believe this little baby is THREE years old.
(Click to Enlarge)
Someone please tell him to stop growing...
Trauma Doesn't Tell Time
Robyn Gobbel, LCSW, wrote a blog post regarding trauma, implicit and
explicit memories. I don't know Robyn but now I'm seriously crushing on
her. Here is...
Guess who got a job?
Me. That's who!
My background check was finally fixed and the transitional living program
offered me a job. It will be a night job that doesn't pay enoug...
Oh My it has been AWHILE!
Well... by the looks of things around the blog I got busy :) I can't
believe it has been since August that I last updated on our journey.
I don't have time...
Orphans, Orphanage in children's movies and books?
If you are a member of the adoption triad you probably know of Disney's
need to kill off a parent in every movie. We avoid any movies that I know
have a ne...
Defining Ourselves for Ourselves
An Alumni Sister asked, “how do we learn to define ourselves for ourselves
and learn to not see ourselves as cases but as people?” Learning to define
Culture, Christmas & Adoption
Somehow, in all the years I've watched Miracle on 34th Street, I've managed
to miss this scene until this year, where a Dutch girl comes to see Macy's
First holidays together....
Tigger, S, and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We were with my parents and
my relatives. S's relatives have all moved out of state and this was his
Back to school= quiet house
Back to school 2012
that's deserving of a blog post! Really, my house is quiet. The tears of
sending Jack off to Kindergarten have passed.
I have a mome...
Absence Makes The Heart Grow........
"Absence makes the heart grow founder". Does it really? Or does absence
make the heart grow curious, empty, confused, or just plain hard? I never
truly und...
Finding Myself
Have any of you seen the movie, "Runaway Bride"? Well, there's a girl who
has been engaged multiple times and ends up running off during the actual
Labels Change. “Foster Kid” to “Foster Parent”
Fifteen years ago, if you would have told me that I would one day be a
foster parent, I would have laughed in your face. I wanted to be so far
away from th...
My biosister, Nicole, is a teenager and is 5 months pregnant. Obviously,
when most people find this out, they are curious to know if she will place
her ...
CW101 - Visit Logistics
The logistics of parent/child visitation may not be as hard as
the emotional fallout, but I realize that it is a major cause of stress and
frustration. So,...
Saying Goodbye To A Pet Is Never Easy
I lost my first baby, bandana boy, sooo sad. The decision was hard. And
even though it may have been obvious, the loss of a pet is never easy. I
still r...
Dealing with death and dysfunction
My maternal grandmother passed away last week. No condolences are
necessary as I didn't know her. I wanted to know her. I tried to know
her, but she was...
Just Sayin
In regard to some of the comments I am not and will not post Defensive
behaviors can be the result of a: * Challenge to private or public
perceptions of ou...
Moving Day
Tomorrow is August 29th, which is the deadline I set for myself to launch
the newly designed site for Home (if I hadn't set the deadline I may have
Farewell to Yoon's Blur
So, I know I just said I was going to take a break. But I have decided
that, yes, it is time to go.
No more "breaks." This is it.
In light of all the "bre...
My 30 Day Dating Diet
----My 30 Day Dating Diet Journal----
"Embrace and appreciate your woman's mind." Tony Gaskins said. The
immediate thought that rushed to my mind upon hea...
Completely unreasonable
For some reason I feel a twinge of jealousy whenever a friend tells me that
she is pregnant. Even though I myself was once pregnant and carried the
baby (m...
Guest Post: A Grandmother’s Adoption Perspective
I’m excited to share my first guest post! This is from my mother, “Grandma
G”, and this is her adoption story.
From the Beginning
Are you a new reader? Then may want to start here. See my main blog HERE.
Screwed Up: My Life
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII