Friday, April 1, 2011

I Was Told Not To Get Birth Control Today — Our Ordinary Life

prolife from

“Now she lost my attention as there was no way I’d have baby after baby and just give them up for adoption.”

I Was Told Not To Get Birth Control Today — Our Ordinary Life

Bravo, Kristen!!!

She talks about her conversation with a picketer outside of her local Planned Parenthood office, I commend her for speaking up and taking a stand.

It is disheartening to me that “good” people would spend their time irresponsibly proselytizing that young people should forgo birth control in favor of relinquishing their resulted child to adoption. I am sorry I see nothing godly about that advice.

I think that it is interesting that those of us whose lives have been shaped by the loss of family, abandonment/adoption/foster care don’t come out of the experience thinking that it is a wonderful life event that we would wish on anyone else.

Maybe, just maybe those of us on the losing end of adoption/abandonment & the foster Care system know what we are talking about when we say that adoption/abandonment/ foster care is not a win/win situation for any child, no matter who they end up with as parents.  Maybe when we say that every reasonable effort should be made to help people avoid bringing unwanted children into this world, we know what we are talking about. Maybe when we say that every reasonable effort should be made to safely keep children within their original families we know what that means and we know what we are talking about.  Maybe when we say women MUST have reproductive choice, we have good reason. when we talk…

Does anybody listen?

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