He took the girls out early to buy me some cozy PJs and some roses (that was all Amélie) to surprise me for my birthday.
When they came in the door CoCo was saying “Pig a-jammas Momma. Surprise, Pig a-jammers Momma!”
But alas, it was not to be. "No pig for you Mom!" I got a pair of adult blue fleece pajamas a supplicated white flower pattern and a peter pan collar. CoCo on the other hand was clutching size 3T multi color polka-a-dot footie pajamas with a huge pig appliqué on the belly, that she apparently refused to let go of, lucky girl.
Seriously, I love my new PJs, my hubby and sweet girls.
I am blessed and lucky.
Nice gifts! You are truly loved Sunday. Of course, you wont take it for granted...
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