According to a few of the blogs I read today is national de-lurking day. Lurkers in blog-speak are people who read but don't follow publicly or comment, which is just fine and totally awesome! But today is the day that we ask our Lurkers to come out of the bloggy closet and leave a comment.
You don't have to sign in, you can just use your name, email address (won't be shown publicly, it doesn't even have to be real), and your blog address if you have one, so readers can be linked back to your blog. *if you are a blogger, don't forget to check the commentluv box, and enter your blog address again to create a link to you most recent post.
So, whether you comment all the time or this is your first, please - Stand Up and tell us about YOU!
2025: Gearing Up
In 2025, my hope is that each of us continue to move forward to make a
positive difference, regardless of obstacles:
^ I've posted the beginning of this ...
3 weeks ago