Thursday, November 11, 2010

That is National Adopt Kids Out Of Foster Care Month

 As most of us know it is National Adoption Awareness Month.  That is National Adopt Kids Out Of Foster Care Month.

While I have been including that fact and links regarding adoption in posts I haven’t really taken much of a personal stand on the subject. 

Why is that?  Pure frustration…      

In large part because Nation Adoption Awareness Month is supposed to be about finding homes for children who are in foster care and have no qualified or willing relatives to take them in.  That is right in my wheel house, and I think trying to find homes for children who are languishing in the foster care system is a good and noble thing.  I am all for qualified sane, selfless people trying to do what is in the best interest of a child.  Please, if you are sane, selfless and qualified and are considering adoption, please do so from the foster care system, you need not  be perfect to apply.

National Adoption Awareness Month is not National Find a Frightened, Vulnerable Pregnant Woman, stalk her, pretend to be her friend, convince her she is Trash, that you would be a better mommy than she would, beg for her baby, and take it as a slap in the face when that “beeyotch” has the nerve to want to keep her OWN baby after all you have done for her MONTH.  

There are plenty of kids who are already here, who already have severed family ties available for adoption, no need to rush the break up of any new families, people.  
Rarely do I come out and say anything is wrong, I am a grey area kind of girl.  But…pre-birth matching is WRONG.  It is not “God’s” or anybody else’s work but your own. It is a manipulation to try to get what you want…someone else’s CHILD.  Sad! Abusive! WRONG!  Back your ass up and give that mother a chance to decide what is best for her child without your influence.  That will serve everyone better in the long run.  And give us back our month!

National adoption Awareness Month is about the kids, not you, not me but for them. 

There are 140,000 kids who through no fault of their own are currently available for adoption in the foster care system, right here in our own back yard.  (No stalking required)

* This post is a part of my National Adoption Awareness Month, a post every day in November campaign, to remind perspective adoptive parents that there are 140,000 kids for whom family preservation is not an option, who through no fault of their own are currently available for adoption in the U. S. foster care system, right here in our own back yard.  If you are considering adoption please consider adopting a foster child or becoming a foster parent.  It could change a child’s life.


Campbell B. said...

Some people say that they don't want to adopt from foster care because they want a baby, but there are babies in foster care too! Right now it's fashionable for celebrities to go to other countries and adopt a child. Why don't they adopt a child from their own country? There are just as many children suffering here.

I'm not sure I agree a pre-birth match is always wrong. Although I do agree with you that women and girls are often pressured to give up their babies. That's beyond wrong.

People who adopt older children from foster care are amazing special people. Adopting a child from foster care, especially an older child, may not be easy, but it's worth it!


LilySea said...


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