Saturday, November 20, 2010


There is a lot to be said to say about acceptance.  In my life acceptance has often brought about miraculous change. 

At about 22, after years of trauma and growing up in foster care, I had accepted that my life was a raging mess, it wasn’t fair, and I didn’t make it, but I was the only one left to clean that shit up, and things began to change.

Once I had accepted that I could not allow myself to pursue a baby by “any means necessary” and that we would be ok with out one – I became pregnant.

Two more times I gave up the thought of having another child, and look at me now, barfly turned old woman who lives in a shoe.

For the past two years I have looked at my CoCo and thought something was just not right, and now that I know for sure that it is not, I find myself looking at her and seeing more of what is.  I am able to see what is good, what is right and what is progressing because I no longer have to worry and wonder.  It is what it is. (Ya, know just a little white matter damage and Global Apraxia)

Acceptance is a change in perception and a shift in perception is in its self a miracle.  

CoCo (2 years 9 months), Amélie and friend are practicing crawling.  She still doesn’t quite have the hang of it yet…hence the face-plant, but she is learning.

* This post is a part of my National Adoption Awareness Month, a post every day in November campaign, to remind perspective adoptive parents that there are 140,000 kids for whom family preservation is not an option, who through no fault of their own are currently available for adoption in the U. S. foster care system, right here in our own back yard.  If you are considering adoption please consider adopting a foster child or becoming a foster parent.  It could change a child’s life.


Real Daughter said...

Awwww, she is getting the hang of it!! Such a doll baby!

Sunday Koffron Taylor said...

Aww thanks Linda!

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